mystudies ethz login
Are you tired of knowing the information of “mystudies ethz login” Then here is the list where you will be able to know all the details with the login page at the top of the list.
Use your ETH Zurich account. Allow your browser to use cookies. Close myStudies by clicking on “Logout” and close all browser windows before leaving this computer. Registration for Special Students and auditors. It is not possible to register at the moment.
Learn how to access the application myStudies with your ETH user name and password, and what to do in case of login problems. Find out how to contact the support team and when to use myStudies after completion of studies.
myStudies is the central application for all students to administrate their studies. The most important activities in myStudies include: Enrol for the coming semester or take a semester on leave of absence. Register for course units (lectures, colloquia, exercises, semester projects/papers).
myStudies ist die zentrale Anwendung für die Verwaltung Ihres Studiums an der ETH Zürich. Sie können sich für Kurse, Prüfungen, elektronische Lernmaterialien, Vertiefungen und Abschlüsse anmelden, abmelden und einsehen. Mit Ihrem ETH-Account haben Sie Zugriff auf alle wichtigen Informationen und Services rund um Ihr Studium.
Log in by using the nethz name and password. If there are problems connected with the account, please contact the Service Desk (Tel.: +41 44 632 77 77). Students of the University of Zurich and other authorized persons can register online as auditors of the ETH Zurich and register for courses. Logout and Single Sign On.
Access online courses and learning materials from ETH Zürich and other institutions with your ETH username and password.
Moodle is ETH’s central learning platform for courses. You can access Moodle with your ETH username and AAI password, or with the access ID of other universities if they use AAI.
myStudies is the central application for all students to administrate to their studies. Among the most important activities in myStudies include: Enroll for the new semester; Register for Courses; Register for examinations; See the Transcript of Records; Request to Issue the Degree
Learn how to log in on behalf of a student for support purposes using myStudies, the academic applications portal of ETH Zurich. Find out how to search for students by number, name, programme and role
The links of “mystudies ethz login”. Then bookmark this page for easy login next time. Also, if you are facing trouble for mystudies ethz login, let us know so we can provide a solution for you within a short period.