nh child support login
Are you tired of knowing the information of “nh child support login” Then here is the list where you will be able to know all the details with the login page at the top of the list.
You can track and maintain case information such as recent events on your case and any upcoming scheduled appointments. Manage Payments. You can view your payment history online. Manage Personal Information. You can provide DCSS new personal information and other case-related data. Customer Login.
Go to the Child Support Portal to register now for an online account to manage your child support case and: Access your case information. View your payment history. Provide BCSS with updated personal information. Communicate electronically direct to your child support worker.
If you do not have your child support case number, please contact DCSS. To access the data after you register, you will need to know your individual user name and password. Every effort is made to ensure that the data provided is accurate and current.
Option 1: Make Your Payment by Check or Money Order: Make payable to NH DHHS – BCSS. Make sure the number field matches the written field. Include your Case ID or Member ID on payment. Include Billing Coupon (if available) in envelope. Send to: Child Support Regional Processing Center PO BOX 9502 Manchester NH 03108.
We aim for quality service helping parents through challenging circumstances concerning child support. We believe in educating, informing and connecting parents with the right means and resources to help them for the best outcomes and well-being of their children.
If you are a parent or caretaker of a minor child (under 18) and the other parent is not living in your household, you can receive our services. Just complete and sign an Application for Child Support Services . If you wish to have an application mailed to you, you can email BCSS–CIU@dhhs.nh.gov.
If you want a court order for child support, you must file a divorce/parenting action or seek assistance through the Department of Health and Human Services Bureau of Child Support Services .
The NH Child Support Calculator. The Child Support Guidelines Calculator provides an estimate of a child support obligation based upon your current financial situation. It is not a guarantee of the actual amount that will be ordered by the court in accordance with NH Law and Rules.
If you are receiving or paying child support, visit https://e–childsupport.dhhs.nh.gov/customer/ Employer Login To enter the e-ChildSupport Employers please click the Login button and enter the login Details.
The links of “nh child support login”. Then bookmark this page for easy login next time. Also, if you are facing trouble for nh child support login, let us know so we can provide a solution for you within a short period.