arcms org direct course login
Are you tired of knowing the information of “arcms org direct course login” Then here is the list where you will be able to know all the details with the login page at the top of the list.
DirectCourse provides standardized, tailored online training to empower direct support professionals and home care workers in their mission to help others lead meaningful lives within their communities. With DirectCourse, you can provide easily accessible, evidence-based content for your staff training to help improve organization efficiencies.
Contact. The Arc of Mississippi. 704 N President St, Jackson, MS 39202-3001. Phone: (601) 355-0220. Email:
Direct course. 2,500 people in MS have enrolled in the College of Direct Support, 60,000+ lessons have been completed, 500+ graduates. National credentialing is now available for direct support professionals.
The College of Direct Support is fully accredited by the National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals and meets E-Badge certification. We offer content in these key areas of direct support and more: Autism Spectrum Disorders. Civil Rights and Advocacy.
Need help accessing your DirectCourse content? We’re here to help. Each organization has a unique URL to access their content on Elsevier Performance Manager.
A well-trained, fairly compensated, and respected direct support professional (DSP) workforce is essential to providing the necessary supports and services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) where they live and work.
The Arc of Mississippi is an advocacy organization that promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. They took on this statewide task through administering DirectCourse as a learning platform that could help accomplish these goals, funded by providers using state medicaid funds.
Discover how DirectCourse can revolutionize your organization’s approach to direct support professional training. Dive into our curricula today. Learn about DirectCourse and how we educate, enrich and inspire workers in direct support, employment, recovery and inclusion, and caregiving.
People with disabilities, particularly people with disabilities in congregate settings and the people who provide their services, are experiencing high rates of infection and death, and this impact is magnified in communities of Black and Brown people, Native Americans, and immigrant communities.
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